This is the third installment of the 2022 Water Tiger outlook for the 12 Chinese animal zodiacs. In this article, I will be discussing the next 3 Chinese zodiacs namely the: Rabbit, Goat, and Monkey. Before I begin, did you know that each person can have as many as 4 animal zodiacs present at the time of their birth? See the sample natal chart below.
All the more reasons why everyone should read up on ALL the 12 Chinese animal zodiacs to see how they will fare in 2022 Water Tiger. As shown in the chart above, your animal for the year only comprises 25% of your whole being. I will explain below what it means if your animal zodiac falls within the year, month, day and hour of your natal chart. Let’s start, shall we? 🙂
Rabbit – Who you know is more important than what you know. You will receive exponential return if you take care of the people who work for you and those who work with you.
- Year – You will meet generous people that will support your endeavors.
- Month – People in your office will find you attractive and/or persuading. You will be able to push your recommendation and solutions.
- Day – You will develop passion for a new relationship.
- Hour – You’re more likely to miss details this year. To avoid losses, make sure you know the details of your investments.
Goat – Both your career and relationships will flourish in 2022. Your hard work in the past will pay off this year.
- Year – Many of you friends will either get into a new relationship, have a child or have grandchildren.
- Month – You will have many job opportunities that will lead to long term partnerships.
- Day – Your passion for your partner or spouse will strengthen.
- Hour – You have the opportunity to cash out or profit from your investment.
Monkey – Clashes with the Tiger in 2022. Clash in BaZi means changes. How you see or interpret these changes will be extremely important in determining if this is a favorable or unfavorable year for you.
- Year – Your industry is changing or your current organizational structure is changing.
- Month – Change in careers. Possible move from employee to business owner or vice versa. Stack small wins.
- Day – Change in relationship status. From single to being in a relationship or vice versa.
- Hour – Your style of investing might change. Your risk appetite might change.
This concludes the third installment for the series, 2022 Water Tiger – Outlook for the 12 Chinese Animal Zodiacs (Rabbit, Goat, Monkey). Tune in for my next post and I will discuss the other animal zodiacs and how they will fare in 2022 Water Tiger.
Don’t know your animal zodiac for the year, month, day or hour? Send me a message that includes your birthday (year/month/day/hour) and I will reply back with your animal zodiacs.
Feeling unlucky with your animal zodiac for 2022? Fear not, send me a message that includes your birthday (year/month/day/hour) and I will reply back with a cure and strategy that you can use in 2022.
In BaZi, the 12 animal zodiacs are like weather conditions or weather forecasts for the year . Each person has a personalized weather forecast. Before stepping out for a walk or a drive, I think we can all agree that it’s a good habit to check the weather conditions ahead.
Blessings and abundance to you all for 2022.